Hi, my name is Michał Rutkowski.
I am a polyglot and linguist.
My goal is to help others benefit from the oldest technology in the world: the language.
During my studies, I conducted research on effective learning. I received a master’s degree in sustainable development with honors. In 2023, I became a doctoral student in linguistics at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
I speak Polish thanks to my family, English thanks to formal education, and I learned Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, French, and Indonesian on my own.
I first took up work as an educator in 2012, starting with one-on-one classes with young people. Since then, I have expanded my offerings to include LingoCoaching™ – an ultimate solution for effective language learning.
Since 2018, I have started working in the field of language consulting, helping micro and small businesses open their operations to foreign markets (Linguistics of Leadership).
I am the author of the book “Effective Language Learning for Everyone” (2024), in which I combine the practice of many years of learning (and teaching) foreign languages with conclusions from research on effective learning strategies and methods.
I described my research in the academic paper “High-quality education as a challenge to sustainable development. Theories and good practices“ (2021). I also co-authored a model for sustainable education described in the paper “Learning about learning as an essential element of high-quality education“ (2022). You can download both of these works here.